
Showing posts from June, 2010


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Glorifying the American

"50 Americans killed, and some minor collateral damage." A common American news flash. This is cause for tragedy, but for the wrong reason. what you don't know is that the collateral damage is actually a few hundred Afghani civilians who were needlessly exterminated. But ingrained into the minds of the people of our glorious nation is the idea that somehow an American life is worth more than a non-American life. Sure, no one would state that outright, but the fact that a few Americans dying is a tragedy while thousands starving to death every day thousands enslaved into child sex labor every day thousands of babies aborted every day is somehow no problem, no weight whatsoever on our minds. Do you think that is how God sees people? Does he see some as American lives and others as less worthy of life? Absolutely not. So if you are merely trying to escape the pain that would ensue if you were to consider that foreigners are also humans or if you are merely a victim of our me...


I want to build my brain up to the maximum extent and then pour it out on this blog before I die. The following topics will be covered in this blog: Anthropology Genetics Linguistics History Computer Science Philosophy Theology Psychology Metaphysics Literature English Religion Science Mathematics Music Poetry and anything else I can understand, read, write, and theorize about, which is most anything. All of this will be tied together by a common pattern: the scandalous and radical truth of the triumph of good over evil. The dependency of non-existence on existence, the obvious generativity of all that flows from IAM as proven on the cross. Here, at bird's eye view, at wisdom and fear of the Lord, all things make perfect sense. -Qohelet