
Showing posts from June, 2011


something to be said about the human animal... they say we are good at heart and often commit heroic acts. true. we also tend to rampantly delight in violence and morbid and heinous acts of audacious vulgarity on display. I have seen this everywhere, it is a proven fact... give in? what is this bipolar animal of intuition? We are not instinctual, we are merely a herd following the seed of forbidden fruit/ raw intuition of deep hellish depths, the spore of good and evil. . tools of a larger cosmic battle. do we project this spiritual realm or does it project us? there is no difference, is there? do we see the future by putting together details of the present or by prediction? there is no difference. . the mind of God is transcendent and all-powerful, and he has willed evil. We naturally desire good, and so does he. Or do we? Or does he? . redemption requires the dust of the dead, the decay of the ages to spawn new life, the death and pain of thousands for the eternal life of the few, fo...

The Soul

we tend to think of faith as some ethereal and purely subjective fluff that we can stuff into a church chapel like insulation and leave it there. Unfortunately some will one day discover to their shock and surprise that faith is actually based upon the highest and most fundamental forms of Truth, and is both completely "down to earth" and omnipresent. God is in everything and sustains everything. All the universe operates by the immediate power of his will, much like a human brain operates according to the humans immediate will at nearly light speed. . This brings into question the immediate factor of our own souls. What am I? Who are people and what are we made of? I think that it is clear what we are physically, based upon our five conscious senses. We can see, smell, hear, and feel, human beings, we can dissect a cadaver, work in the medical field, delve into psychology, or work to improve various brain functions, such as street smarts, metaphysical intelligence, relationa...


It is almost too painful to read about the passion, too difficult to mention his name or to think about it. Too controversial, too much power, it is a swear word, reminding us of our ultimate bankruptcy as a species, our sadism and gangrape, the hideous faults we are capable of. Humanity is drowning in a hideous cauldron of fratricide and self-worshiping destruction, and the worst sin we ever committed was the massacre of God. Joyfully we scarred and destroyed him, pinning him to a tree between heaven and hell, between the elect and the damned criminals. There is only one balance for humanity and the universe, only one way and truth, he is the fulfillment of every religion, and he transforms every aspect of every culture: the highest form of redemption is that the worst thing we ever did was used for our greatest good. The darkest and most hellish hour on this earth became our redemption. We tore God to pieces, and he willingly offered his body for our eternal health. He is the stapl...