The Soul

we tend to think of faith as some ethereal and purely subjective fluff that we can stuff into a church chapel like insulation and leave it there.
Unfortunately some will one day discover to their shock and surprise that faith is actually based upon the highest and most fundamental forms of Truth, and is both completely "down to earth" and omnipresent. God is in everything and sustains everything. All the universe operates by the immediate power of his will, much like a human brain operates according to the humans immediate will at nearly light speed.
This brings into question the immediate factor of our own souls. What am I? Who are people and what are we made of? I think that it is clear what we are physically, based upon our five conscious senses. We can see, smell, hear, and feel, human beings, we can dissect a cadaver, work in the medical field, delve into psychology, or work to improve various brain functions, such as street smarts, metaphysical intelligence, relational intelligence, creativity, or math, logic, and memory. But when you truly know someone, you feel their soul in your dreams. You sense they are near, you notice the small details of their expressions, their idiosyncracies, their facial structure, and all the nuances about them that truly makes them who they are. These are the details that haunt you when you've been in love.
This is part of the general resonance of the human person. Pythagoreas said that the whole universe was brought into being by a song of God: "the heavens declare the glory of God" or "Praise the Lord, O my soul" are complete and accurate descriptions of the pattern of the world (as is the whole Bible). We know today that the only viable explanation for subatomic particles and the forces of the universe is string theory, which seems to be a sort of interdimensional foundation for all existence and all attraction. These strings vibrate to produce power.
In the same way, the human soul is a river leading to the fulness of the being who existed always and always does exist. He is in everything, and all things draw their lives from him. To glimpse into the human soul is to get a small taste of the glory of God. Those souls who have wandered too far from their source become stagnant and are in anguish. Those who partake bodily of the flesh and blood of Christ are filled with the fulness an perfection of the Godhead, being drawn nearer to the thriving source of all life by the filling of the Spirit. By accepting the God man, Jesus Christ, you imbibe spirits whose effects never fade away, and cause you to find joy and deep fulfillment in all the works of God. There is no pain which you will fear, no task which you will not enjoy. When we forget to draw from the fountain of living water, we miss out on all this. When we dismiss the whole thing as a purely subjective experience and doubt truth, we do not have the effect that we could.
Many Christians have separated their belief from reality, and really don't take it seriously enough to be filled with joy all the time. We are being made like God, how could we not rejoice?


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